So looking around on Feministing.com today I came across this article titled "Palin Sexism Watch:Sex Doll Edition" and I was disgusted. "Blow her up and show her how you're going to vote" is one of the 'suggestions' for the dolls use. "It's time some male interns caused a scandal in the Capital" which I'm assuming is a reference to the Clinton/Monica affair.
I can't believe this doll was actually made...is society really that afraid of not only a woman, but an attractive one at that, in power that they have to do absolutely everything in their power to try and shoot her down...? The fact that she is a woman makes it ok to look at her as a sex object rather than a candidate for Vice Presidency. Ever since she has stepped into the spot light, media and society have tried to knock her down with many of the attempts having something to do with sex or beauty. People really need to stop looking at her as a sex object and actually paying attention to her political views and that is it. You can agree with her views or disagree with her views, that is totally your choice but there is no reason to put so much focus on her in a sexual way. She is a mother, a wife and a political candidate and really, the only part that concerns us and should be talked about among society is her political views and ideas.
Ok, so I almost said how there is no way they would make a doll like that of McCain or Obama but I realized as I read some comments on the article that there is a sex toy made of Obama. BUT there is still a sexist spin on it. Power is always given to the male, notice how all the power is taken away from Palin's sex toy; "It's time some male interns caused a scandel in the Capital" which gives males a positve role. And when it comes to the Obama sex toy, it technically should be giving power to the woman but with phrases like "With a golden color and firm, smooth feel, the Head O State will stand upright and last all night" so its still putting the main positive focus on the male.
The fact that either of these toys have been made is just beyond me. All they do is reinforce the patriarchal beliefs of our society. It's pretty sad. When it comes to the candidates for President or Vice President of the United States I don't understand why sex is even a thought in someone's mind.
If McCain wins I will buy one of these just to have it. Then again I have always wanted to own the blow up goat. It is just a novelty item. Will I use it . . . well who is to say an inflatable women is bad.
But just remember that sex sells and there are many more stupid things people will buy. And all the Sex scandles is free press. So why not flaunt it.
And who does not have a opinion about sex about any subject. There are just so many fetishes out there someone has to dream it up. And if a product might sell then why not sell it. Good old American capitalism at its heart.
I do not know how someone could be offended by this. Things like this should just get a laugh and then be done with it.
That’s what makes this country so great.
I think that the reason for this blow up version of Sarah Palin is a man's attempt to knock her down a peg. Also, the fact that male politicians such as Obama does not do harm like it does to a woman. This was obviously done to degrade her, and sexualized women are seen as bad, while men who are sexualized is seen as a good thing.
why is it that stuff like this always has to appen to females. You would ever see a Mccain or Obama ad like this. It is not right and the people that made this are probably men. Women are always look at as objects and just there to sell things.
I completely agree with Molly and her opinions on the blow up doll of Sarah Palin. It is wrong on so many levels and I know, if I were her, I would be offended and embarrassed. Ewest also makes an important point that this is just another way for men to knock Palin down; to reduce the threat of a woman holding high political power. It's true, AwkwardMorning, that sex DOES sell, BUT that doesn't make it right. Sarah Palin wanted to be VICE PRESIDENT, NOT to be sexualized and basically used as a sex object.
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