Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Aww, a pretty bride...

To keep the theme running from today's class I searched commercials and how they portrayed gender. The commercial I came across didn't show any hint of what it was advertising but I decided to watch it anyway because of its title...

As it started I thought, 'aww, this is nice, a mother helping her daughter get ready for her wedding...I wonder what the commercial is for..." but as it went on I thought "please let this be a joke...", the advice the mother was giving her daughter on how to make the marriage work was kind of ridiculous. I still wasn't sure what the commercial was supposed to be for and then the mother handed her daughter a card and I thought, "this is a Hallmark commercial..?!" but...the daughter opens the card to reveal the Bud Light gift certificate.
I don't really know how to take this commercial. It kind of made me chuckle to be honest once I saw the whole thing. Notice at the end where the two men hold hands on the table while one of them starts to cry and the woman at the table shakes her head while putting her hand over her face. It's kind of saying men are that simple to the point that they will be happy and feel loved if you get them a case of beer. They could care less about communication and support and spending time with you, but as long as they have that beer they will be fine.
Now this commercial is a little different than your typical beer commercial. Usually there will be a half naked girl in there somewhere to try to get men's attention, so the fact that it was a bride instead was a change. This change could be there for different reasons. Maybe it is supposed to get the attention of women viewers (which is just what happend with me like I previously said) because a lot of woman like weddings and once they see the bride instead of the half naked woman they will actually pay attention to the commercial and see what is being advertised rather than changing her focus when she sees the "perfect", sexy woman on the t.v. screen.
Over all I think this commercial is not really degrading to women compared to the others I've seen. I think it actually makes fun of men a little more and the whole relationship between men and women and how it always seems to be the women who makes sacrifices to keep the relationship together even though all the guy wants to do is hang out with his friends and drink beer.
Anyone have a different interpretation...?



catie said...

I think it saying that the women work there butts off while the men sit around and drink beer. It true that that it does not have a half naked women in it and it has women doing non traditional things but it still has women catering to men

CallMeSasha said...

I thought the commercial was funny. I don't think it was meant to be taken seriously because the women at the end in the meeting was shaking her head and covering her eyes. Also I have seen worse beer comercials than that so I don't really see a big deal in this one.

AwkwardMorning said...

I loved this commercial.

It was hilarious. It totally was leading you on at being serious but then threw in the punch line.

I thought it was good humor and not very degrading. At the end they let you know it was a humorous commercial. With all the guys crying because it was so "Perfect".

Britty said...

I thought this commercial was pretty funny too - but it also surprised me. I think women are laughing at it because they're like, "Yeah, right, that'll happen." Sure it may be funny, but I think that if a bunch of women made a commercial about ridiculous things men would do - there would be a bigger commotion about it.. People will deny that, but several events in history pertaining to almost the same kind of thing have created the same type of response.

ahenn3 said...

I love the fact that the men / husband would sit in the yard and watch his wife mow the lawn. I understand that the beer commercials are used for humor but there humor is acheived by degrading women and it is not right.

Lyndsey said...

I do think that this commercial succeeded in the fact that it is funny and entertaining.

I don't think it is TOO degrading to women, more so (like Molly said) it seems to me to be a little offensive to the men. The fact that the bride is trying and worried about making the marraige work, while the men just sit around and do nothing.

But I also think that it frames the importance of marraige in our society.