Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Stick with what you're good at, Disney...!

Hi Everyone...
Sorry it has taken me so long to get this up and running. I'm not exactly used to this blogging thing yet but I think I'm starting to get the hang of it.
So, I was looking at feministing.com trying to find something interesting and a little unexpected and...I found it...! Everyone's familiar with Disney, right...? Of course...! Who doesn't have a favorite Disney movie...? Personally, mine is Cinderella with her helpful and funny little mice and birds. Their songs are so catchy..! But anyway, that's besides the point. Disney is known for their cartoons that are usually very upbeat and seem to picture life as if not perfect, close to it. Right...? Well, there was a short film made and co-produced with kotex in 1946 targeting pre-teen girls. It was all about the "Story of Menstration". My first reaction was "whaaat...?!" I personally would never think to mix the two (Disney and menstration), it just seems weird. So, I watched this film, which is about 10 minutes long.
At first I thought, "Well, this is still kind of weird hearing about the fallopian tubes and ovaries from a very distinct and recognizable Disney type voice when usually you hear that voice talking about princesses and castles, but it does seem informative and may be ok for a pre-teen...". As I continued to watch it, it became slightly more of a joke to me. They made it sound like once a girl gets her period she is diseased and she needs to take every precautionary step to keep from spreding it to her neighbor...! Not only that, it makes girls sound like total idiots. "Oh be sure not to take showers that are scalding hot or freezing cold...!", who does that on a normal day anyway...? The film mentions using "common sence" a hand full of times, including the part where it talks about exercise during menstration. As the acceptable exercise it shows a girl, on a bike, wearing a skirt, speeding down a hill while not holding onto the handle bars...hmm...THAT screams common sence...! More advice given is to "stand up straight", umm, sorry but if I'm dying with cramps the last thing on my mind is keeping good posture, but maybe that's just me. And be sure to remember, to keep your nose powdered because some how that makes you look smart...? and leads to a easier period...? Getting plenty of sunshine and rest are the last two bits of advice given, which yes, both are very important, but they aren't exactly as easy to get plenty of, like the film makes it look, while leading a busy life like most girls and women do

The film is informative at parts, slighty offensive at others and it definatley leaves some important things out which will leave a pre-teen pretty confused.
It will be interesting to hear what you guys think about this and whether you agree with me or think I was way to harsh on the film.



deborah said...

That is kind of a strange film for Disney to be into. Also the suggestions and comments dont'sound to realistic whatever happened to the little movies they used to show in junior high, with the real comments and comforts of what to do I agree with you.

cathy said...

This movie I have not seen, but it seems out of sorts for Disney. Although, periods are a natural feminine happening,I would not follow the advice given. I agree that posture is not important went you can hardly even walk at times. Disney, I have found at times, are sexist. The portray women as weak and need to be saved by men and also did not get the "time of the month" correct. I agree with you.

Jacquelyn said...

I am with you on this one. I think disney needs to keep to story telling, not anatomy. I remember the video i saw in 6th grade about menstration and that was uncomfortable. Let alone to have the disney narrorator telling me what was going to happen. I agree with you 100%. using common sense and standing up straight have nothing to do with getting though your periods!

Britty said...

This is what I heard: "Even though you feel like crap, make sure you look your best!" So in other words, let's ignore the terrible feeling and pretend to be happy and smile.. What a joke. I can't believe this is from Disney. Not only that, but what is up with showing all the women in that short film with curve appeal? Doesn't seem like something I'd show young children when teaching them about such a thing. It was as though they were saying all women are generally the same! They kept saying most women.. There are so many girls on birth control to stabilize their period, they shouldn't scare girls about that.

deborah said...

I have not seen the movie either but from the comments cathy is making if that's what's it's about I agree at times they other movies I have seen do portray women as helpless.

ewest said...

That is the strangest thing I have ever heard. Disney characters making a movie on periods? I think I would much rather have my mom fill me in. The way it was described in the blog almost made it seem unacceptable to PMS or show any signs of irritation or abnormality when you get your period, which is so false because we all know sometimes we just have one of those days.

Lyndsey said...

Wowwww. This film is rather ridiculous to me. And quite ofensive. I agree with Cathy in the fact that Disney does tend to be sexist in its characters. Especially in early disney movies such as Aladdin, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty. The damsels in distress are getting to be a little overplayed. Even in Mulan, a Disney movie that featured a strong female, asian main character, ended with a scene that had to do with love. Insinuating that in order to truly be happy, Mulan had to acheive the guy in the end. Oh and save China, of course.

Anyway..I agree that I would NEVER associate Disney & female menstruation at all together. And obviously it did not give a good result.