Thursday, December 4, 2008

Hungry Man TV Dinner

Although this commercial does have a slightly sexist spin on it, it did make me chuckle. It definately is not as bad as some other commercials and personally I am not offended by this commercial. I just thought it was funny, again because of the truth in it. Women do tend to take bathroom breaks together, even when they do not have to "go" themselves. But notice, right when a guy makes fun of them for going together, they all split up to try and get some respect back and maybe some more manlyness. It's also interesting to see the clear distinction between "man" food and "women" food. The "girly" foods are the yogurts and smoothies and the "manly" food is the hardy, and really more healthy food due to the actual substance to it, Hungry Man TV Dinner. When and why has society labeled foods with feminine or masculine characteristics...?! Personally, if I had the choice of what to have for lunch or dinner between a smoothie, yogurt or a Hungry Man TV dinner...I'd choose the TV dinner. Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I don't have an appetite or don't like to eat...!

Watch it for yourself :)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Do men and women deal with stress differently...?

This guy, John Gray, makes alot of sense. I was like shaking my head "yes" to alot of what he was saying. It's very true. Men and women do deal with stress very differently. And I think women should start dealing with it the way men do (in some cases atleast) and they will be a little happier. John made the point that men do what they do to make themselves happy while women are always doing what they need to do to make others happy. They very rarely think about themselves and what makes them happy which is the root of alot of alot of unhappiness. I know personally, that I used to do that alot. I would ALWAYS think of others before myself in a way that I would not be doing what was best for me. I never wanted to make anyone mad, or let anyone down...but, after a while, I realized that I was letting someone down most of the time and that someone was me. I finally woke up n realized that I really just need to do what makes me happy and everything else will fall into place the way it is meant to. :)

John Gray's Clip

Positive Points in Pop Culture

I came across this video and thought it was really cool. Maybe if more history teachers were like this I'd actually enjoy history class. (ha) It was refreshing and interesting to see a twist on learning history facts. The teacher who made this video encouraged her students to find history facts relevant to what they were learing at the time anywhere in pop culture. It could be a song on the radio, a cartoon they like to watch, anything from pop culture that mentioned something from history was ok, even if it was considered a "bad" or "uneducational" cartoon. When they had tests in class they were suposed to write down a fact that they found and they would get extra credit on the test for it. I just thought it was cool and the kids seemed to really like the idea as well. Not everything in pop culture has to have a negativity about's nice to find a way to bring some positive things from those that seem to always get a negative rep. (It wouldn't let me just embed the video so you will have to use the link to get to the video)

Difference between men and women

I found this clip from a Friends episode while looking through YouTube and found it very humorous...mainly because it's so true...

At first I didn't think they were going to show anything from the guy's side because the girls were talking for so long...but that made it even more funny because with just a few seconds left in the clip they shoot to the guys and just within those few seconds they have their talk, while eating pizza and are content with a short, hardly detailed answer. It was pretty accurate with showing how men and women go about conversations and friendships. The women all shreek, grab some wine and want every detail to be explained to the t while the men are perfectly fine just eating some pizza with some casual conversation about what happened with minuscule detail. It kind of reminded me of my friends...both guys and girl. I can see the girls of my group acting in basically the same way Rachel, Monica and Phebe did and I can see my guy friends acting just like Ross, Chandler and Joey.

Extreme Muscles

So my brother showed me this video the other day and I thought I'd share it with you guys. If you're squeamish you might want to just peek between your fingers because I got a little sick to my stomach when I watched it, but maybe I'm just sensitive, who knows.

It's just a short clip of a show that was about a guy who had extremely large muscles, which in my opinion looked absolutely stupid. He said that he trained naturally for 23 years and then started using steroids, and he was not smart about using them either (not that steroids are smart in the first place but you know what I mean). He did not always use clean needles and he used doses that were too large. He ended up getting an infection in one arm and that muscle will never be the size of the "healthy" arm. This may be a little mean, but I think it serves him right for being so stupid with the steroids (although he does admit that in the video).

It's sad that society has become so superficial and obsessed with being better than everyone else, in some cases even if it means doing harmful things to your body.

It also reminded me of class when the one guy in the clip held up two of the same figures just from different years and one was like double the size of the first. It's because of toys like that that put ideas in little boys heads that they have to be really muscular to be successful. It's unfortunate that such a superficial idea is plugged into little boys heads at a young age.