Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Extreme Muscles

So my brother showed me this video the other day and I thought I'd share it with you guys. If you're squeamish you might want to just peek between your fingers because I got a little sick to my stomach when I watched it, but maybe I'm just sensitive, who knows.

It's just a short clip of a show that was about a guy who had extremely large muscles, which in my opinion looked absolutely stupid. He said that he trained naturally for 23 years and then started using steroids, and he was not smart about using them either (not that steroids are smart in the first place but you know what I mean). He did not always use clean needles and he used doses that were too large. He ended up getting an infection in one arm and that muscle will never be the size of the "healthy" arm. This may be a little mean, but I think it serves him right for being so stupid with the steroids (although he does admit that in the video).

It's sad that society has become so superficial and obsessed with being better than everyone else, in some cases even if it means doing harmful things to your body.

It also reminded me of class when the one guy in the clip held up two of the same figures just from different years and one was like double the size of the first. It's because of toys like that that put ideas in little boys heads that they have to be really muscular to be successful. It's unfortunate that such a superficial idea is plugged into little boys heads at a young age.


AwkwardMorning said...

The reason why the body builders use steroids is because they want to be bigger. And no matter what they do they cannot build mass in the time that they want it. They train and eat right but their natural body just will not advance. So in order to get the results they want they have to use drugs.

It’s mainly about how a person wants to look. Body builders tend to believe that bigger is better. And the bigger they are the more they feel good about themselves.

I believe that it is actually more common for women to want to be sickly thin then men want to be huge globs of muscle.

I believe that everyone should strength train. It not only makes you healthier but also makes you feel good about yourself. The building of muscle burns fat the fastest. So go out and lift for 20 minutes a day 3 times a week rather than do cardio for an hour everyday.

ahenn3 said...

Wow. I have never seen anything like that before. It makes me sick to think that that man had to use that much of steriods to become bigger. To have to use steriods at all conserns me but that is just crazy that our world has to think like this.

Jacquelyn said...

I hate steroids. My ex-boyfriend used to use them, shot them into his butt. he definatly had roid rage and was ajerk when he was off the cycle. I think when people do thinsgs like that to thier bodies, they dont fully understand the ramifications.

Lyndsey said...

Wow. That is probably one of the most disgusting videos I've ever watched. That is so ridiculous that someone would want to have huge muscles so bad that they would harm their body in that way. What does this say about the pressures that society puts on men today in order to be "big." This reminds me Jackson Katz's (spelling?) "Tough Guise" video. And the underlying subject is similar to my Dove commercial blog. We need more commercials, ads, ideologies, whatever, to encourage people to be who they are and not try to change their bodies into some expectation that have formed from other people's standards. This is obviously an extreme case, but I'm sure there are much more like him. Sadly.