Thursday, December 4, 2008

Hungry Man TV Dinner

Although this commercial does have a slightly sexist spin on it, it did make me chuckle. It definately is not as bad as some other commercials and personally I am not offended by this commercial. I just thought it was funny, again because of the truth in it. Women do tend to take bathroom breaks together, even when they do not have to "go" themselves. But notice, right when a guy makes fun of them for going together, they all split up to try and get some respect back and maybe some more manlyness. It's also interesting to see the clear distinction between "man" food and "women" food. The "girly" foods are the yogurts and smoothies and the "manly" food is the hardy, and really more healthy food due to the actual substance to it, Hungry Man TV Dinner. When and why has society labeled foods with feminine or masculine characteristics...?! Personally, if I had the choice of what to have for lunch or dinner between a smoothie, yogurt or a Hungry Man TV dinner...I'd choose the TV dinner. Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I don't have an appetite or don't like to eat...!

Watch it for yourself :)

1 comment:

AwkwardMorning said...

The ad is meant to be comical. Everyone eats foods but women generally tend to be more conscious about what they put in their mouths. How many girls do you know that would eat goldfish off the monkey room floor at the zoo? Because I can name about 3 guys that I have seen do this and they were all over the age of 18.