Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Difference between men and women

I found this clip from a Friends episode while looking through YouTube and found it very humorous...mainly because it's so true...

At first I didn't think they were going to show anything from the guy's side because the girls were talking for so long...but that made it even more funny because with just a few seconds left in the clip they shoot to the guys and just within those few seconds they have their talk, while eating pizza and are content with a short, hardly detailed answer. It was pretty accurate with showing how men and women go about conversations and friendships. The women all shreek, grab some wine and want every detail to be explained to the t while the men are perfectly fine just eating some pizza with some casual conversation about what happened with minuscule detail. It kind of reminded me of my friends...both guys and girl. I can see the girls of my group acting in basically the same way Rachel, Monica and Phebe did and I can see my guy friends acting just like Ross, Chandler and Joey.


ahenn3 said...

This makes me laugh because thisis totally true how men and women talk about what hapens. Girls want to know every detail whereas men they get right to the point. There is no beating around the bush with men. They tell no details like girls.

Jacquelyn said...

I absolutely love this show. It is by far my favorite. I have always thought this was a funny episode and very typical of men and women. I have a lot of male friends and they do deal with things like this. I sometimes miss my girl friends in situations like this, it is just a different dynamic. Good catch!

Lyndsey said...

I love this show too! It always has great comedy in it and covers controversial subjects in a tasteful way most of the time in my opinion. This excerpt really makes me laugh because it's so true. Women want to know every single detail so that they can feel like they're actually there, while men would rather have the "short & sloppy" version. The men get straight to the point. "Tongue?" "Yep." haha

This goes along with the subject of soap operas and how women like the emotional part of shows and facial expressions. The camera does a lot of close-ups during the scene with the women, but with the men there are hardly any.